Silencing the Church by Dilution... Quotes from one of Americans United's most influential leaders (CHART #5) By: Paul Blanshard (Signatory to _Humanist Manifesto II_) Source: _The Humanist_, March/April 1976 "I think the most important factor moving us toward a secular society has been the educational factor. Our schools may not teach Johnny to read properly, but the fact that Johnny is in school until he is sixteen tends to lead toward the elimination of religious superstition. The average American child now acquires a high-school education, and this _militates_ against Adam and Eve and all other myths of alleged history." (emphasis ours) This quote by Paul Blanshard, AU's first Special Counsel and one of AU's "Big Three" in their early years, reveals two very important aspects about Americans United's agenda. While AU has argued that religious liberty can only flourish in a "secular state," they have always known that when the secular state owns and controls the educational institutions and those institutions are required to be secular, in the end they will produce a "secular society." Secondly, such an educational system would "militate" against the Word of God as America's standard for moral behavior and guide for social order. At the heart of Mr. Blanshard's above quote is the recognition that the silencing of the church will be accomplished by diluting it's theology. Creedal Religion vs. Warmhearted Service Religion By: Paul Blanshard Source: _The Humanist_, March/April, 1976 "...statistics indicate that most Americans are no longer found in church on Sunday, even though more than 90% of us allege that we believe in God. This alleged prevailing belief in God is not to be taken too seriously, since it still requires much courage in our culture to confess nonbelief to a census taker. _I am convinced that [the] religious belief of millions of Americans is only nominal. It is warmhearted service religion, not creedal religion_. When I was one of the editors of _The Nation_ in the twenties, I wrote an editorial explaining that golf and intelligence were the two primary reasons that men did not attend church. _Perhaps I would now say golf and a high-school diploma_." (emphasis ours) This quote by Mr. Blanshard reveals one of the fundamental aspects of AU's agenda -- silencing the church by diluting it. "Creedal religion" is viewed by AU and the Left as the number one problem with religion -- it is dogmatic, intolerant and narrow-minded. Such "religion," according to the Left, must be eradicated. Thus, creedal religion -- conservative, Bible-believing Christianity -- must be replaced with "warmhearted service religion," where a commitment to the Truth of God's Word is replaced with "tolerance" and a social gospel that neither exposes our sinfulness nor calls for our repentance. From: St. Louis MetroVoice, May 1995, Vol. 5, No. 5.